Truest Choices for the perfect Family Travel

This point is very important, whether you are traveling in your country, or if you are traveling abroad. Your children must have their ID, passport or visa regardless of their age. His first passport, Álvaro was 1 month old. Be careful, check their expiration dates in advance. When it comes to children, these documents have a shorter period of validity than that of adults.


Visiting the pediatrician, before and after the trip, we always did. To be well advised of the possible vaccines that are going to be necessary, it is better to be safe than to repent later. The pediatrician himself or in Foreign Health, will inform you well about vaccination. With the randonnée en famille en décembre you can find the best options now.

We always advise to bring a complete medicine cabinet and the medications that the child can usually take. Without forgetting a good insect repellent, sunscreen and if you have any skin allergies, bath gel and body milk. Many times in destination we do not find the one that suits you best.

Food intolerances and allergies, watch out for it! As you know those who know us, Álvaro is celiac since 18 months. Our traveling life has always been marked by celiac disease and despite that, we have traveled half the world with it.

We advise you to do like us and travel with a handbag loaded with non-perishable foods without gluten. You can read it here. In addition, you must inform yourself well about the gastronomy of the destination. Surely, like us, your child will be able to eat practically everything despite his illness. Rice, potatoes, chicken, fruits and vegetables are eaten anywhere in the world, so 0 problem.


We must take into account the distances we will have to travel. Based on that, our economy and the age of our children, we will choose the appropriate means of transport.

Traveling by plane is comfortable and fast, but it certainly makes our budget more expensive. So, to move, the train or bus option is very advisable. Undoubtedly, doing it by car or motorhome means greater autonomy of movements and stops when they are necessary. 100% recommended to move around the world with the house in tow.

Traveling as a family


Depending on the age of our children, the theme of accommodation greatly increases our trip. If we decide on a hotel and these are already older, we must opt ​​for two minimum rooms.

We usually choose the apartment option to stay, especially for the convenience of preparing Alvaro’s food. Another advantage, in addition to the economic one, is the freedom of schedules. Now, if everything said up to this point does not affect you at all, then the best thing is a hotel and they give you everything done.


One of the questions we have heard the most during all these years is … And you are not afraid to travel with your family?

Fear is the worst enemy, not only for family travel, but for everything in general. Fear paralyzes, does not let you perform as a human being. We will lock fear in a closet and throw the key into the sea. We will travel wherever we want with our children, if we deem it appropriate.

Those of us who have been traveling as a family for a lifetime, we can assure you that the world is much less dangerous than it is painted. It is clear that you have to be very careful and always avoid destinations where we know that there is some kind of violent conflict. Of rest, neither case to those who try to convince you that traveling as a family is dangerous.

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