Category: Travel

Perfect Car Umbrella and Camping Tent

Amidst the busy schedules and draining activities, there is a need to bond with family with family camp trips. Having family and friends around you is a good stress repellent. The car umbrella is a very portable device that can double as a car sunshade tent (เต็นท์บังแดดรถยนต์, which is the term in Thai) and also […]

Christmas Party Ideas in Fort Lauderdale Florida

Ideas for Company Holiday Parties in Miami/South Florida  The company holiday party season has arrived. If you’re still searching for entertaining ideas for corporate groups in Miami/South Florida—whether you’re hosting an office party, after-work drinks in a bar, or a big blowout—check out these resources for food, entertainment, gifts, event decor, rentals, group activities, and […]

Ranking # 1: The Steel Automobile Umbrella

The winning item is the cheap car umbrellas (ร่มกันแดดรถยนต์ราคาถูก, which is the term in Thai) by “The Metal Lamination” brand name as well as it won unanimously. Below are a few of the reasons it wins: It is Automatic: The automobile umbrella is simple to mount and lift off. It might take you only one […]

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